Life changing events can be turned into great things. Like how being bitten by a radioactive spider can turn you into Spiderman. It all depends on how you respond.
You never know when or how life is going to change. Even when you make a life changing decision, it’s difficult to fully predict how much your life will change. That all matters very little in comparison to what you do afterwards. Do you step up to the challenge or do you shrink back?
One of my girlfriends recently made a series of life changing decisions. Her first was quitting her job. The second was spending all her savings on an eight-month trip, her four-year-old in tow. Everyone said she was crazy. Everyone said she was being irresponsible. And I believed them.
What I didn’t know, understand, or realise at the time was that a life-changing event happened that led her to those decisions unbeknownst to onlookers (cause hey, that’s what social media is for), her “going crazy” and “being irresponsible” was actually a kind of rebooting of her system.
She came back from her trip, made another “crazy” decision, and five months later, reached a level of success she didn’t have before. And yes, some people still think she is crazy, but in my opinion, more of us are surprised at how she was able to “turn it around,” if there was any turning that needed to be done in the first place.
In his book, The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan Watts calls for a “correction of the mind.”
Perhaps instead of calling someone “crazy” simply because we do not understand, we must just accept who they are in this present moment; accept that they are in a part of their journey where evolution is still at work. Accept that this is not the end for them, that they can still turn things around. Basically, let’s stop writing people off based on their present actions. Even the most seemingly negative things can become the best things.
We can all still be Spiderman.
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