My Creative Writing 101 teacher once said that writing is a really big act of ego. When a writer writes and presents their work to the world, what they are essentially saying is: “Hey, look at this, read this! It’s good! Hey, hey! Look at me!” And it really can’t…
Category: Uncategorized
Another sixteen days have passed. Again the hiatus was unexpected. Sometimes circumstances just throw you off. — Growing up in the Philippines means growing up with blackouts. Through the decades there have been many and varying causes to the occurrence, though these days they’re usually due to typhoons. When typhoon…
“Work hard. It builds character.” ” “Work even if you don’t need to. Work is good for the soul.” These are just some of the things my mother (who I am now realising is extremely wise) would say to us kids. And even if I always rolled my eyes whenever…
When I was younger–though I can’t say I remember how old or young I was–both my parents spoke to me about the importance of keeping your word. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Don’t say you will and then never come through. At the time,…
This entry isn’t passing judgment, nor is it generalising as I am sure there are many Filipinos out there with different mindsets. This is just a personal observation. — Filipinos are hopeless romantics. You can see this from our movies, our television shows, our songs, and many other forms of…
One of the best things about traveling is the magic of the unfamiliar. Knowing that there is a discovery or the possibility of adventure on every street and around every street corner simply because you don’t know them as well as the streets in your own city or neighbourhood has…
It is the Saturday after Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving) and I finally have the time to sit and write a blog entry. To all the bloggers that were able to write a Thanksgiving post on Thanksgiving Day and still put together a feast, I salute you. How did you do it?…
Image taken from On many days, I look at my calendar and list of things to do and realise what things I won’t have time for in the coming week. Maybe it’s blogging, maybe it’s dinner with friends, or maybe its getting the car washed. One of the…
Coming back from another work-imposed blog hiatus. Work has just been so crazy busy. In the past month and a half, I have noticed that whenever I am asked what I do, I very honestly say: “I don’t know. I am adventuring.” This of course raises eyebrows, so I…