Category: My Work

Brenda always thought keeping a box of shameful memories and whispering cowardly and terrible thoughts into the dark was healthy. The straight jacket thought otherwise.

“Your stupid potion doesn’t work. She’s off dancing with someone else,” Andrew handed Elya the bottle. “This isn’t the potion. You gave her love poison!”

In an envelope within an envelope found in the black flap of a leather bound journal that is kept in a special case, buried beneath piles of clothing is a picture. Black and white. The girl, beautiful with a silver chain around her head. The boy, not one to be…

“It’s like a break in the clouds on a gloomy day,” Peg said. “It warms you, makes you smile, and life is worth living.” “You say that because you are an optimist.” Dino took another sip of what was likely to have been the thousandth cup of coffee on the…

There’s a brain in here, a heart, a person who puts a lot of soul in daily to-dos. There are random rambling thoughts and raw pure emotions. There are quiet sighs and silent prayers. There are all the things you will never see if you don’t stop and bother. And…

Does it unnerve you that I know how to sit with your silence; that when your world is void of noise, I can still hear? Does it unsettle you that I see right through the walls; that where others have walked away, I stand still? Have you come unhinged yet?…

I am love, And you are fear. I am passion, And you are doubt. Together we are: Chances lost, Forgotten hopes, Things once wished. Together we are: Regret. – arkaydee

The world will give you time. Those who love you will give you time. You, more than anyone else, should give yourself time. But do not forget one thing: Time can run out. – arkaydee

An excerpt. “I wish I knew you back then.” “I wouldn’t be me yet back then. Some parts have stayed the same, sure, but other parts needed to be broken first.”