“And when you are feeling lost in any way, remember that the home in your heart will guide you.” ONE. I don’t remember if it was a tweet I read or a YouTube video I watched, but I do remember that the writer, John Greene, had explained he never…
Author: arkaydee
“The gift of time must be spent wisely. How do you feel?” “Like I’ve been in a refrigerator for the past 100 years,” Mike replied.
Brenda always thought keeping a box of shameful memories and whispering cowardly and terrible thoughts into the dark was healthy. The straight jacket thought otherwise.
“Your stupid potion doesn’t work. She’s off dancing with someone else,” Andrew handed Elya the bottle. “This isn’t the potion. You gave her love poison!”
In an envelope within an envelope found in the black flap of a leather bound journal that is kept in a special case, buried beneath piles of clothing is a picture. Black and white. The girl, beautiful with a silver chain around her head. The boy, not one to be…
“It’s like a break in the clouds on a gloomy day,” Peg said. “It warms you, makes you smile, and life is worth living.” “You say that because you are an optimist.” Dino took another sip of what was likely to have been the thousandth cup of coffee on the…
feeling + action = not always a good combination